In today's post, we're going to be debunking the top 10 most common myths and misconceptions about hypnosis so you can have a clear and accurate understanding of everything that hypnosis is not.
Let's jump right into it!
Myth #1 - Hypnosis Is Like Sleep
This is probably the most common myth about hypnosis, and the thing that clients are most often surprised by following a session.
People often think that in hypnosis, the client falls asleep or becomes unconscious in some way.
The truth is that in a lot of ways, hypnosis is the opposite of sleep.
By tuning into your own inner world, you are actually becoming more aware and more focused than you are when you're going about your daily life.
It's common for clients to think that they won't be aware of the conversation, or able to hear what the hypnotist is saying, but that just isn't true.
Hypnosis feels relaxing and calm. It feels like you're actively choosing to suspend your judgment and go along with the experience.
It is possible to fall asleep during hypnosis if you're tired, but hypnosis itself occurs when you are conscious and present for the experience.
The moment you fall asleep, you are no longer in hypnosis... you're asleep.
The one aspect of hypnosis that is similar to sleep is that when coming out of hypnosis, the memories tend to fade over time like a dream does.
This is why I like to record all of my sessions—so the client can revisit the entire experience long after the memory has faded.
Myth #2 - Some People Can't Be Hypnotized
This is something that I've heard come up from time to time—that only gullible or unintelligent people can be hypnotized.
You have to want to be hypnotized in a therapeutic setting. It's a choice.
But the reality is that all people experience hypnosis every day.
There's this belief floating around that people who have strong minds (meaning they are primarily mentally-focused) are unable to be hypnotized.
Not true! The analytical part of the mind is still active during hypnosis, and left-brained people are often more likely to analyze and criticize what's happening during the experience.
But when you're paying a hypnotist to help you with an issue, it doesn't make a lot of sense to resist the process.
Hypnotists often use suggestibility tests prior to starting hypnosis with a client. These simple tests can help to identify whether the client is more left- or right-brained.
Different styles of hypnosis are effective for left-brained clients versus right-brained clients, so depending on the result of the suggestibility test, hypnotists will adjust their methods to give the client the best experience.
Myth #3 - Hypnosis Is Like Truth Serum
Some people believe that under hypnosis, you will be forced to tell the truth and could reveal personal secrets against your will.
You cannot be forced to do anything while in hypnosis, and that includes revealing information against your will.
You might learn something about yourself that you'd forgotten or never before realized on a conscious level, but it's your choice whether or not you want to reveal that information to the hypnotist.
That said, it's beneficial if you do, because hypnosis memories tend to fade quickly and that information could be forgotten if it isn't recorded.
Hypnotists don't have any special powers, and hypnosis itself is not some magical state that prevents you from lying.
Myth #4 - Hypnosis Is Mind Control
We can thank movies and stage hypnotists for this one!
People who fall victim to this myth are often afraid of hypnosis because they fear being vulnerable to someone else's control.
It's actually one of the most common reasons that people don't allow themselves to be hypnotized!
Even stage hypnosis where people are supposedly made to cluck like chickens is more similar to a magic show than actual therapeutic hypnosis.
The first volunteer is usually planted, and it's much easier for the others to allow themselves to follow along once someone else has gone first.
There are a lot of other tricks that stage hypnotists use to get the desired effect, but the truth is that the people in hypnosis remain in control at all times.
They could get up, leave, scratch their nose, or take a washroom break ...if they wanted to.
Most choose to go along with the experience because they are open to allowing the hypnotist to direct them, and because they want to have a good time.
You cannot be hypnotized to do anything against your will. You can't even be hypnotized at all if you don't want to be.
You get to choose how much you are willing to participate in the process. Remember: all hypnosis is self hypnosis!
Myth #5 - Hypnosis Is Magical or Supernatural
Hypnosis is not dark, evil, unnatural, magical, mystical, or satanic. And it doesn't go against religious beliefs.
It's a completely natural state that everyone experiences daily when waking up and going to sleep.
It also happens when you're watching TV, reading a book, daydreaming, meditating, or 'zoning out.'
And anyone can learn how to do it!
Hypnosis is just the intentional act of getting into a receptive state, and using it to either provide suggestions to the subconscious mind (like in traditional hypnotherapy), or to obtain information that's already stored there, like we do in Quantum Healing Hypnosis.
Myth #6 - You Can Get Stuck in Hypnosis
No person has ever been stuck in a hypnotic trance. Because you're fully in control, you could get up and walk out at any time you choose.
The idea of getting stuck in hypnosis forever is like getting stuck reading a book—not likely (unless you're in an English Lit class).
Myth #7 - Hypnosis Is Bad for Your Health
On the contrary—hypnosis is extremely relaxing for the mind and the body.
One exception is people who are epileptic, and that's because deep relaxation can sometimes trigger seizures in epileptics.
Another rule of thumb is never to attempt hypnosis or self-hypnosis while operating heavy machinery like a vehicle. With your attention off the road, you're more likely to crash.
So in that sense, I guess sometimes hypnosis can be bad for your health...
Myth #8 - Hypnosis Doesn't Work
Hypnosis has been around for thousands of years, in one form or another.
In 1958, the American Medical Association approved the use of hypnosis for medical and dental applications, and the British Medical Association did the same 3 years earlier.
It can be used as an anesthesia during surgery or medical procedures, and many women are opting to use it during childbirth to reduce pain and anxiety.
So yes, hypnosis works!
Myth #9 - Hypnosis Only Works in Person
If this were true, I'd have a really hard time managing my business because at the moment, 100% of my sessions are done online.
You can experience hypnosis over the phone, through video conferencing, or by listening to a recording.
Myth #10 - Hypnosis Is a Cure-all
The truth is that hypnosis is often only one piece of a healing puzzle.
In my work with Quantum Healing Hypnosis, much of what we use hypnosis for is to get answers and advice about what the client can do to improve their life.
Some energy healing is done in the session, but it's not a one-stop shop.
You must be willing to take the advice and guidance that comes from the session and apply it in your life in order to see results.
Hopefully that clears up any confusion you might have had about hypnosis. Leave me a comment down below and let me know which of these myths surprised you the most!
Until next time—namaste and have a beautiful day,

Samantha Nicole (Sam) is a BQH Practitioner, Quantum Healer and Intuitive Channel. She offers distance Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions, channeled readings, and digital products for conscious seekers & lightworkers through her business, Mind Over Miracles.
To book a Quantum Healing session, fill out the Intake Form or Click Here to Learn More.